The greening of Halifax roofs

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Juvenile seagulls atop Halifax Central Library, courtesy of Halifax Public Libraries. Single-seagull photo taken July 20, 2017, and multi-seagull photo taken June 11, 2020. "Families of seagulls are often spotted nesting in the green roof, which changes with the seasons and introduces natural elements."

Juvenile seagulls atop Halifax Central Library, courtesy of Halifax Public Libraries. Single-seagull photo taken July 20, 2017, and multi-seagull photo taken June 11, 2020. "Families of seagulls are often spotted nesting in the green roof, which changes with the seasons and introduces natural elements."

Taken by Jeremy Lundholm June 4, 2019, atop the green roofs at Saint Mary's University. This shows a diversity of plants native to Nova Scotia, including forbs, grasses, lichens, mosses and shrubs.

Halifax Central Library, taken by Adam Mørk and provided by Halifax Public Libraries. "The Library's green roof adds natural elements to the urban landscape."