A backyard balancing act

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Pollinators such as this bee in Halifax Public Gardens are vital to the success of rewilding and the native plants used. Photo by Tony Webster / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0).

Nova Scotians such as Glynis Thomas hope to bring bees and other pollinators back to their yards through rewilding with native species. Photo by Dennis Jarvis / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.0).

A wild strawberry lawn may not even need to be mowed, if the soil quality limits how high the plants grow. Photo courtesy of Glynis Thomas.

"No Mow May" began in Europe to protect dandelion, but the movement has lost purpose in Nova Scotia where both dandelion and the European honey bee it attracts are invasive. Photo courtesy of Glynis Thomas.

Wild strawberry plants are one popular way to replace ground cover when cultivating parts of your lawn. Photo courtesy of Glynis Thomas/Harriet Irving Botanical Gardens.